Instruktioner och användarmanualer - Firemill

Manuals and safety

Use the links to download

Firemill manual

Instructions for use and operation

Mounting of wall bracket

Mountinginstruction for the wall bracket

Safety instructions

Brief instructions for safety and operation

The reson why you should buy a Firemill

How Firemill works

Firemill Carbon dioxide extinguishers have many benefits. Here you can read more about how Firemill works and why you should have one in your kitchen.

Practice with Firemill

One important benefit with Firemill is that you can practice with it. Here we have collected some movies where we put out fires and practice with Firemill.

what can Firemill accomplish?

Firemill is intended for small fires, but here you can read more about what Firemill can do at most.

Buy a Firemill

Unfortunately you our webbshop is only available for Swedish costumers at the moment. But use our web form, an we will come back with information how you can get it from were ever you are!